The 30 Day Technical Challenge
This 30 day program is a step by step guide to improve your technique.
Each practice session is laid out day by day, exercise by exercise for maximum technical improvement.
During the next 30 days you will improve: Breathing Lip Flexibility Single Tonguing Finger Dexterity The Bootcamp will only require a small amount of extra time on top of your normal practice regiment.
All you will need is a metronome and your instrument. It does not matter if you are grade 1 or grade 8+ this program will improve your technique. Practice Until Failure If you do not practice until you fail, you are not pushing your technique to its limit. Whether it be squeezing the last drop of air out of your lungs in a breathing exercise, or completing a tonguing exercise until your tongue is completely exhausted, the harder you push yourself the more progress you will see during the 30 days. Taking The Tests Take all 4 tests on day 1. Try to push yourself and reach the highest level possible. There over 20 levels that you can achieve on each test. Start each test from the beginning, playing each exercise at the stated tempo markings before moving on.
Exercise 1 corresponds to levels 1 - 5, one level for each tempo written. Levels 6 - 10 are from Exercise 2, 11 - 15 Exercise 3 and 16 - 20 Exercise 4. If you reach level 20, continue changing the tempo on Exercise 4 until you reach failure. Add 1 level for every extra tempo marking completed.
Make note of the level you achieve for each test, this will be needed for your comparison at the end of the 30 days.
Once you have taken the tests simply follow the calendar and complete the set exercises each day. The weekend practice sessions ask you to repeat the exercises from earlier in the week. This gives you a second chance to push your technique further on each exercise.
The Final Test Complete the 4 tests again on day 30 and compare your results.
Good luck and enjoy the next 30 days!
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